I really liked Gitte post how to distress before exams on the Biznewz4u blog. She highlighted some important things we need to keep in mind when we have gazillion assignments and exams hitting us right left and centre.  

 There are many resources out there in our virtual environment that offer tips about study methods. But most of them assume you have loads of time to dedicate to studying. Little do they know about the chaos that is the MacEwan PR program. Since we don’t have sufficient time to study for exams all the time, I think a perspective into the life of an all nighter outa be explored.

 So we have just SIX days left before we’re done this program and actually ONE day before one of our major exams and TWO days for the other. We’ve had a busy week that you may not have had too much time to review your notes or study for the upcoming finals, so I’ve got you covered if you’re thinking about pulling an all nighter.

 If you’re stuck in this mess, you’ve come to the right place. But I can’t take any credit for the awesome tips. Suite101 caters to students, distressed exam takers like you. It’s the school of hard knocks if you want to learn how to pull an all nighter. So check it out!

 ,…and good luck!